Dragon Age Fanfic Stuff

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sorry For the Delay

Wow! The things that happen when you're away from a computer for a while!

Actually, for me, not all that much.There's been some family drama that I'll go into at a later date, and very little writing, because the Muses hate me lately. I have gotten a couple of dolls done, though, which is something.

This is my take on a modern Merrill from Dragon Age 2. It's not often I do dolls wit legs, preferring a stump-style doll, but she just screamed painted toenails. There are even little dragonflies on her skirt. :)

And then there's my Miss Haversham. Unfortunately this picture doesn't really do her justice. Tell you one thing, though, the beading on the lace shawl was a bitch!!